Consumer Resources

Consumer Experience

We strive to surpass standards in all we do, and we are dedicated to ensuring fairness and respectful treatment of all consumers served by our network partners. The entire Crown Asset Management team is dedicated to improving  the consumer experience throughout the lifecycle of every account; this includes sharing resources that empower consumers with increased financial literacy. The information below may assist consumers with resources that can help them to improve their financial situation.

Consumer Protection

There are two primary federal regulatory bodies that provide oversight to the Accounts Receivable Management industry—the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Consumers can visit the FTC and CFPB websites to learn more about what these agencies are doing to help protect consumers in the financial marketplace and to access helpful resources.

Identity Theft

Having your identity stolen is a difficult challenge to overcome. We understand the complications that arise from identity theft and want consumers to be able to swiftly and effectively resolve such situations. Consumers can learn more about identity theft by visiting and reading about credit freezes, fraud alerts and much more. Fraud alerts can be a helpful tool to assist consumers to quickly identify potential identity theft so they can take quick action to correct the issue.


Credit Reporting

Consumers can check their credit reports to identify any items in need of correction or removal. The three credit bureaus—TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian—will provide a copy of a consumer’s credit report to them upon request. is a consolidated free resource for retrieving those reports.

Consumer Comments Form

    Useful Consumer Websites

    Financial literacy resources are available to assist with learning more about common consumer topics such as saving, budgeting, reducing debt, and more. The free resources listed below offer detailed information, tools, and guidance on money management topics that consumers can use for growing in financial wellness.

    This resource provided by the Receivables Management Association International (RMAI) provides information and tools to help consumers make informed financial decisions, take control of their finances, defend against fraud and deception, and more. The calculators section includes valuable tools for estimating retirement, planning debt payoff, building savings, and budgeting. There are also steps for managing finances amidst economic inflation.

    This resource is provided by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to equip consumers with important information on managing money, using credit carefully and protecting your identity from fraud. This powerful consumer resource offers basic information that can serve as the foundation for financial literacy. The FTC also provides guidance and alerts to protect consumers from scams and unfair consumer practices.

    Developed by the Financial Literacy & Education Commission, this website offers key consumer finance information to help consumers better understand and manage their money. With resources geared toward every age group, including children, readers can learn about the “5 pillars of financial literacy:” Spend, Earn, Save & Invest, Protect and Borrow. The “Life Events” section categorizes resources based on common life categories.

    The Jump$tart Coalition works to raise awareness about the importance of financial literacy and the need for financial education among youth. This 501(c)(3) based in Washington D.C. fosters collaboration among financial literacy stakeholders, and promotes and supports effectiveness in financial education endeavors. The Jumpstart Clearinghouse portion of the site helps users locate financial education resources by keyword search or audience/type/price filters, including some free resources.


    Consumer Notice

    New York City Consumers: Crown Asset Management does not offer any language access services in writing or verbally. A translation and description of commonly-used debt collection terms in multiple languages is available by visiting

    South Carolina Consumers: To learn more about South Carolina Consumer Rights and Responsibilities click here

    South Carolina Website License: SLW1 – 1110271. Click here to view.

    Privacy Notice

    To learn more about how Crown Asset Management uses your personal information, click here.

    California Consumers: To view CAM’s California Residence Privacy Notice, click here.